10 Foods To Help You Get Clearer Skin

If you’ve struggled with blemishes and acne throughout your life, there are a few things you can do to help promote a healthier and clearer complexion. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is the first thing you can do to naturally promote clear skin. It’s also a good idea to avoid too much sugar…

17 Ways To Become Slim Naturally With Simple Daily Routines

Lean, fit, well-toned. These are words that you come across often, don’t you? Which situations do they fit in most? When you have to go for a beach vacation, a cousin’s wedding, the date you had been eyeing since long, X-mas or New Years’ party etc. It means you have to look slim and trim,…

The Intravenous Vitamin Treatment That Destroys Cancer Cells

According to a study published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, an intravenous vitamin treatment may be the key to curing cancer. A team of researchers tested the effects of a common vitamin in high doses on a group of participants. They found that it was able to eradicate cancer cells while leaving healthy cells…

Homemade Hair Masks For Dry Hair

Is dry and damaged hair bothering you? Are you spending thousands on expensive hair products that contain harsh chemicals and yet cannot find any desired results? Hello pretty ladies! We are here to rescue you, as we bring you simple, easy and effective homemade masks for dry and damaged hair that are absolutely natural and…

4 Things You Should NEVER Do When Removing A Tick!

Thinking about finding a tick in my skin sends shivers up and down my spine. But it’s that time of the year when families are spending more time outdoors. Summer is the perfect time for backyard barbecues, pool parties, bonfires and hiking trips. It’s also the perfect time for a tick to find a host!…

Effective DIY Solution For Promoting Hair Growth

Hair problems such as hair fall, split ends, dandruff, etc are caused due to a number of reasons. Stress is one of the reasons for hair fall. The best solutions to treat these scalp problems is by oiling hair, eating a high protein diet, hair trimming, amongst others. It features how to make a solution…