Ketogenic “Journey”: The Pros And Cons Of Going Keto

Ketogenic Diet is one of the most popular weight loss diets. We have a lot of keto-friendly recipes, here on a blog. But, before you decide to go on this Ketogenic “journey”, learn all about the pros and cons of going keto. Tanya Zuckerbrot, MS, RD, NYC-based registered dietitian, bestselling author, and founder of TheF-Factor…

Mono Symptoms & 12 Natural Treatments

Mononucleosis is a viral infection that causes extreme fatigue, body aches, fever and other symptoms. Also known as mono, the infection is often called “the kissing disease” because it spreads through contact with bodily fluids, including saliva. Mono symptoms may last 2-4 weeks or longer. In some cases, fatigue and muscle pain may last for…

Hydration Pyramid Helps You To Keep Body Well Hydrated

Hydration is necessary for overall good health. The water is best for staying hydrated. Other drinks can help hydration, also. Bellow you can check on the hydration pyramid that contains groups of that other drinks. Your body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work properly….

Toasted Quinoa Porridge With Black Trumpet Mushrooms

HOW TO MAKE THIS RECIPE In a small saucepan, melt 1 tablespoon of the butter. Add half of the shallots and the quinoa and cook over moderate heat, stirring, until the quinoa is lightly browned and nutty-smelling, about 4 minutes. Add the chicken stock and milk and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer over…

Hot Buttered Rum: Warm Up The Morning In Bulletproof Style!

You’ve probably heard about “bulletproof” coffee, and have even tried it. Well, now we have something a bit stronger, but equally amazing – hot buttered rum. If you don’t mind a few drops of alcohol now and then, feel free to try this great drink. With butter and MCT oil content, it will boost your…

Mitochondrial Disease: Causes, Symptoms & 5 Natural Treatments

Mitochondrial disease is a disorder caused by failure of the mitochondria. Mitochondria are found within almost every cell in the human body. They help create usable energy in the cells to carry out many bodily functions, such as digestion, cognitive processes and heartbeat. Mitochondrial disease symptoms can develop at any age, and they are often…

White Hair Patches- Its Causes And Treatments

Hello beautiful ladies, Hope you all are well. Today, I will be talking about a hair related problem which is called poliosis, or white hair patches. Now imagine, if one day suddenly you see yourself in the mirror with a patch of white hair on your head or any part of your body, it will…

Lymphangitis: Symptoms, Causes & 7 Natural Treatments

Lymphangitis is an infection that involves the lymphatic vessels. Lymphangitis causes include streptococci bacteria that enter the lymphatic vessels through a scrape or cut. One of the most common lymphangitis symptoms is red streaks that develop on the skin. These streaks appear near the affected area and may be warm, tender and enlarged. Natural lymphangitis…

Macular Degeneration Symptoms & 6 Natural Treatments

Macular degeneration is disorder that effects cells in the retina, causing changes in vision. Macular degeneration causes vary, but the disease is most commonly age-related. Images that were sharp and clear become blurry as macular degeneration symptoms appear. As the disease progresses, images may become distorted, cloudy, dark or spotted.There is no cure for the…

Mastitis Treatment: Symptoms & 10 Home Remedies

Mastitis is an infection that occurs in women who are breastfeeding. Mastitis causes include a buildup of milk within the breast, known as milk stasis. In some cases, the buildup of milk may become infected with bacteria. Mastitis treatment focuses on healing painful mastitis symptoms and ridding the body of the infection. Mastitis Causes A…

This Delicious Veggie Curry Is Ready In 20 Minutes

If you don’t feel like spending forever in the kitchen but still want a nutritious and satisfying dinner, this veggie curry is ready in just 20 minutes. You can stick to the recipe, or switch it up and replace the broccoli, carrots, and snowpeas with whatever vegetables you have on hand. Even frozen veggies can…

Herpes Treatment: 5 Home Remedies

Herpes is a common virus that causes cold sores on the mouth or sores on the genitals. The two most common types are HSV-1 and HSV-2. HSV-1 causes cold sores to break out around the lips or mouth, while HSV-2 is commonly referred to as genital herpes. Herpes is spread through skin-to-skin contact with infected areas….