5 Vitamin C Serum Recipes

Hi everyone,

In today’s post, I’m going to take you through some quick and easy ways of making your own vitamin C serum at home. The skin-brightening and skin-healing benefits of Vitamin C have been known long for a long time, and using this vitamin in your daily skincare routine is one of the easiest and best ways to get glowing, nourished and youthful skin.

Here are some of the benefits of using a Vitamin C serum in your regular skincare routine:

  • Evens out the skin tone and treats discolouration.
  • Improves the texture of the skin.
  • Brightens your complexion.
  • Increases collagen production.
  • Improves the youthfulness and elasticity of your skin.
  • Prevents premature skin ageing.
  • Makes the soft and supple.
  • Rehydrates and moisturizes the skin.
  • Prevents and heals effects of sunburn.
  • Controls free radical damage of the skin.

In addition to incorporating many sources of Vitamin C into your diet, you should also reap the benefits of using Vitamin C topically on your skin.

Keep in mind that a Vitamin C serum is best used at night and washed off in the morning, as it could react upon exposure to the sun and cause skin sensitivity.

Here are some quick and easy recipes for Vitamin C serum:

Recipe 1: Vitamin C Serum With Essential Oils:


1 teaspoon Vitamin C powder
½ teaspoon Vitamin E oil
1 teaspoon purified or filtered water
3 teaspoons aloe vera gel
5 drops of any essential oil

Method of preparation:

  • Mix the Vitamin C water with the pure, filtered water.
  • Add the aloe vera gel to the mixture.
  • Add the Vitamin E oil and essential oil and blend all the ingredients together.
  • Transfer the serum into a dark coloured glass bottle, ideally with a dropper. This will prevent the serum from changing its consistency and oxidizing upon exposure to the sun.

Recipe 2: Vitamin C Serum With Glycerin:


½ teaspoon Vitamin C powder
1 teaspoon purified water
2 tablespoons vegetable glycerin

Method of preparation:

  • Dissolve the Vitamin C powder into the purified water.
  • Add the glycerin to the mixture and blend in.
  • Store Vitamin C serum in a dark glass container.

Recipe 3: Vitamin C Serum With Rose Water and Aloe Vera:


¼ teaspoon Vitamin C powder (or L-ascorbic acid powder)
1 teaspoon rose water
1 teaspoon aloe vera gel

Method of preparation:

  • Stir the Vitamin C powder with rose water and mix until dissolved.
  • Add the aloe vera gel to the mixture and stir until blended.
  • Transfer the serum into a dark coloured glass bottle dispenser.

Recipe 4: Vitamin C Serum With Vitamin E And Coconut Oil


½ teaspoon Vitamin C powder
1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil
1 tablespoon coconut oil

Method of preparation:

  • Mix in all three ingredients until blended well.
  • Transfer the preparation into a dark coloured serum dispenser bottle.

Recipe 5: Vitamin C Serum With Matcha Green Tea


½ teaspoon Vitamin C powder
½ teaspoon matcha green tea powder
1 teaspoon purified water

Method of preparation:

Mix in the Vitamin C powder and matcha green tea powder into the purified water until well dissolved.
Transfer the prepared serum into a dark coloured dispenser bottle.

Source: Victoria’s Glamour