Thanks to scientists at the French National Center for Scientific Research, a man who was in a vegetative state for almost half of his life is showing signs of consciousness. Scientists used nerve stimulation on the patient, which has been shown to offer benefits to people with depression epilepsy. It’s also been known to play a role in the process of waking from sleep.
Nerve Stimulation
Dr. Angela Sirigu wanted to find out if nerve stimulation could help restore consciousness to patients with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome. Considering that the longer a person is in a vegetative state, the less likely they are to recover, Dr. Sirigu sought out a patient who had gone the longest without showing any improvement.
The patient was in a car accident at the age of 20 and remained unresponsive 15 years later. Doctors worked to stimulate the vague nerve, which connects the brain to the gut, along with other parts of the body. After a month of stimulation, the patient was able to turn his head on request. He cold also follow a moving object around with his eyes.
In Current Biology, Dr. Sirigu reported that electroencephalogram or EEGs showed increased brain activity in the patient, including the theta waves used to define the differences between the states of consciousness. The patient also showed increased metabolic activity in the cortex and sub-cortex, including a need for more fuel among brain cells.
The vagus releases a hormone known as norepinephrine. This hormone acts as a neurotransmitter to enhance information sharing between different regions of the brain. Dr. Sirigu noted that this research provides insight into where consciousness lies in the brain.
As a result of the nerve stimulation treatment, thee patient’s status was upgraded from unresponsive to “minimal consciousness.” Dr. Sirigu concluded in a statement, “Brain plasticity and brain repair are still possible even when hope seems to have vanished.” While the patient has not fully recovered, Dr. Sirigu’s research opens the door for a new possibility of treatment for those suffering from unresponsive wakefulness syndrome, while giving hope to their loves ones.