34 Lavender Oil Benefits And Uses For Skin, Hair And Health

It is the best oil for stress-relief and making you calm. It has been used since ancient times to treat multiple health conditions – whether it is physical, mental health or any other ailments.
Would you like to know the goodness of Lavender Oil?

Let’s begin.

What Is Lavender Oil?

Composition of Lavender Oil: Lavender oil is a potent antioxidant with camphor, tannins, flavonoids, terpene, limonene, esters and more than 150 compounds. All these put in their individual bit to bring out the healing properties of this essential oil.

Lavender oil also has plenty of vitamins A and E. And what do they do? Help execute the vital bodily functions.

Available Forms Of Lavender: These are the forms of lavender available in the market – Bath Gels, Extracts, Lotions, Soaps, Teas, Infusions, Aromatherapy oils, Tinctures and Whole Dried Flowers. You can pick out of these, depending on your need/requirement and doctor’s advice.

Types of Lavender: It’s hearty to know that lavender comes in various types – English Lavender (the most famous and familiar type of lavender), ‘Munstead’ English Lavender, ‘Hidcote’ English Lavender, ‘Grosso’ Lavender, ‘Provence’ Lavender (raised commercially in Provence, France), French lavender (it is more of a landscape plant).

Seriously, don’t you feel like growing one of the lavender types in your garden (and use it as a lotion or soap)?

Benefits Of Lavender Oil For Skin:

Skin Tonic or Skin Protectant? Both!

1. Treats Sunburn

Had a hot day out in the sun? Is your skin crying out with sunburn? Lavender oil is there by your side to relieve the skin burning and swelling.

How to Use:

  • Take a cool shower or rinse your body affected with sunburn with cool water.
  • Now, apply coconut oil with a few drops of lavender oil added to the affected skin patch.
  • Keep repeating it (as necessary).

Tip: It pays to wear cool cottons and drink plenty of water. This will help you tackle sunburn effectively.

2. Heals Chapped Lips

Yearning for soft lips? But facing dry, chapped and painful lips that are a common problem in chilly weather? Lavender oil could be your go-to remedy for soothing and healing chapped lips.

How to Use:

  • Mix coconut oil and lavender oil in a bowl.
  • Dip a cotton swab in this oil blend and gently rub it on your lips or use your pretty fingers to apply the oil.
  • Do it not once, but several times a day to get relief.

3. Restores Skin Complexion

Weather, environment, skin dryness all can wreck a havoc with your skin, making the skin lose its sheen, suppleness and elasticity. Trust Lavender oil to make your skin revitalized and rejuvenated.

How to Use:

  • Dab a mixture of lavender oil and nariyal tel on your skin.
  • Do it religiously at night to feel the difference.

4. Reduces Acne

Look up to lavender oil. You might not know but it is one of the natural ingredients (anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties) to get rid of acne troubles.

How to Use:

  • Dab some lavender oil drops on a cotton swab and place it on your acne blemishes.
  • The results will be a sure-shot proof.

Tip: If you go by University of Maryland Medical Center, lavender is used by aromatherapists in an extensive fashion for treating acne.

5. Anti-Aging

This is one of the best properties and features of lavender oil. As you age, the skin becomes wrinkly and sagging leading to age spots.

How to Use: To reduce and minimize the ageing signs, add 5 drops of lavender oil to an ounce of Aloe Vera Gel.

  • Mix the ingredients well.
  • Now apply it on your face and neck and do a gentle massage.
  • Let the oil-blend stay on for about 10 minutes.
  • Rinse it with cold water.

Tip: In place of aloe vera gel, you can also use coconut oil.

6. Treats Dry Skin

Soothing and moisturizing. This is what application of lavender essential oil does to your dry and parched skin.

How to Use:

  • Just apply lavender oil mixed in shea butter or cocoa butter.
  • Then, massage it on your dry skin to lubricate it.

7. Heals Cuts And Burns

Skin burns and cuts are very painful. Thank the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of lavender oil which also acts as a pain-reliever.

How to Use:

  • Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to the burnt area on the skin.
  • Keep it under running water for about 10 minutes.
  • Doing so helps speed up the process of healing.

Tip: In case you have landed up with serious burns, then do consult your doctor ASAP.

8. Treats Dermatitis/Eczema

Lavender oil brings you relief from itch and reduces eczema symptoms.

How to Use:

  • Dip some cotton in lavender oil.
  • Apply it on the affected area at night.
  • The results will be visible in a week.

Tip: For skin detoxification, add 2 to 3 drops of lavender oil to your bath.

9. Can Detoxify The Skin

We all know that skin health can deteriorate with each passing day, given the environmental toxins and other pollutants. Skin detoxification is the need of the hour.

Lavender oil has powerful antioxidants which fight against the harmful effects of pollutants on the skin.

How to Use:

  • Apply lavender oil on a cotton swab and then on your skin daily for a few days.
  • Alternatively, you can use lavender oil in the form of bath gel, soak or lotion to feel the difference.

Tip: In one of the studies conducted (at the Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC), it was found that lavender oil was one of the few potent essential oils that can inhibit the growth of skin bacteria.

10. Heals Insect Bite

A bee sting or a mosquito bite can be quite disturbing (physically and mentally). Relax, there is lavender oil to help fight the pain of insect bite.

How to Use:

  • Just add a few drops of lavender oil on the insect bite and see the swelling and itching decrease considerably.

Tip: Remember, lavender oil must not be used on children below the age of 2 years for treating insect bites.

Benefits of Lavender Oil for Hair:

11. Treats Dandruff

Dry itchy scalp and dandruff can be a big ‘turn-off’. Thank lavender essential oil. It can be your best hep when it comes to treating dandruff.

How to Use:

  • Mix 15 drops of lavender essential oil with 2 tbsp of olive oil or almond oil.
  • Heat the mixture for 10-15 seconds.
  • Now massage your scalp with this warmed lavender oil preparation.
  • Put on a shower cap and wash your hair with a mild shampoo after an hour.

Tip: OPTION for you to try out – Mix 5 drops of rosemary oil, 5 drops of lavender oil with 3 tbsp of any unscented oil. Apply this oil on your scalp and leave it for 10 minutes. Then, wash your hair with shampoo.

12. Keeps Your Hair Healthy

Hair loss is a common problem for men and women these days. Kudos to lavender oil! It not only boosts hair health and growth, it also keeps the hair nourished, and prevents hair loss.

How to Use:

  • Mix lavender oil with a carrier oil.
  • Apply it in your scalp.
  • Massage it regularly to get vibrant-looking healthy hair.

13. Treats Hair Loss

Lavender oil is a good remedy to cure stress, anxiety, insomnia, and depression. All these are the common causes of hair loss.

How to Use:

  • Do a regular hair-massage with this oil.
  • It will not only control hair loss, it will also improve hair growth by increasing blood circulation.

Tip: According to prelim studies, Lavender oil, when combined with other herbs, can help fight hair loss.

14. Treats Alopecia Areata

Sounds Greek but what is Alopecia Areata? It is an auto-immune disease where hair loss happens in patches.

How to Use:

  • Do a dry scalp massage with lavender oil.
  • It will not only help in treating this hair loss problem, it will get you significant hair growth within a few months time.

Tip: A therapeutic massage ups the blood circulation to the scalp, thereby getting hair loss out of the way.

15. Treatment Of Head Lice

Bye-Bye LICE! Well, Lavender oil is a powerful antiseptic when it comes to relieving your scalp of lice, lice eggs or nits.

How to Use:

  • Just massage your scalp with lavender oil.
  • After 20 minutes, shampoo your hair.
  • It will kill the lice and nits hollow.

Benefits of Lavender Oil for Health:

Now for some Health Talk…

16. Rejuvenating

The beauty of lavender oil is that it makes you calm. Perfect for smelling, massage and meditation.

How to Use:

  • In a spray bottle, put 300 ml of distilled water.
  • Now sprinkle 15-30 drops of Lavender essential oil in it and mix.
  • Use this mixture for room-spray.
  • It will help clean the air.

17. A Key To Slumberland:

If ‘zzzzz’ is evading you, then it’s a thing to worry. Lavender essential oil has sleep-inducing properties (which is a thing to rejoice).

How to Use:

  • Lavender essential oil can be used in the form of bath salts, massage oils, sachets, candles, sleep masks, pillow spray, even a lavender-infused bed pillow.

18. Treats Morning Sickness

Lavender has calming properties which help in curbing nausea.

How to Use:

  • Take a whiff or two of lavender oil.
  • It can chase away the ugly sensations related to morning sickness.

19. Nosebleed

This can happen due to various reasons – summer stroke or high blood pressure. Lavender oil is an effective remedy which can stop nosebleed.

How to Use: Here’s how to stop a nosebleed.

  • Put 1 drop of lavender oil on a tissue.
  • Wrap it around a small block of ice.
  • Push the tissue-covered ice chip up to the nose base.
  • Hold it (as long as you can) till the bleeding stops.

20. Improves Sleep

Insomnia (or sleeplessness) is caused by various factors – stress, irregular sleeping habits, unbalanced diet and improper lifestyle. Lavender oil helps tackle ‘stress-related’ insomnia (that is almost tackling the major chunk of your sleep disorder, isn’t it?)

How to Use:

  • SPRINKLING Strategy! It means sprinkle few drops of lavender oil on your pillow. It will help you sleep well.
  • You can also rub lavender oil on your feet and notice how your sleep pattern doesn’t disappoint you.

Tip: You can also add a few drops of lavender oil to a diffuser.

21. Reduces Anxiety And Emotional Stress

Anxiety and depression can be our biggest enemies. Lavender oil has a calming and sedative effect (which is why it is used in herbal remedies to promote relaxation and treat restlessness).

How to Use: For all plant lovers!

  • Put a lavender plant in the corner of your room or put a few lavender stems in a small vase (in case you run out of space).
  • Its soothing aroma will not only relieve stress, but also shoo away mosquitoes.

A Korean study reveals that hand massages done with a lavender oil mixture were found to have a positive effect on the pain and depression of the patients suffering from terminal cancer.

22. Alleviates Headaches

Tension headaches and migraine are increasingly coming up (just like fever or common cold). Lavender oil could just be that natural cure you are looking for.

How to Use:

  • Combine lavender with peppermint oil.
  • Now rub these oils on the back of your neck, and the temples on the side of the forehead.
  • Then inhale it for relief.

23. Improves Your Digestion

Blame it on our lifestyle habits for improper indigestion. You know what happens – belching and burning sensation, abdominal pain, vomiting etc. Lavender oil helps in fat-digestion by soothing the digestive tract lining and enabling the bile secretion.

How to Use:

  • Skip your ordinary tea, and switch over to LAVENDER TEA.
  • It is a great way to relieve indigestion and intestinal disorders.
  • To make LAVENDER TEA, cook 1 tbsp lavender buds in boiling water.
  • Now use this water to make tea.

24. Stimulates Urine Production

Because of its stimulating effect on urine production, lavender essential oil is good for urinary output. It also helps in reducing inflammation of the urinary bladder, relieves cramps and other urinary disorders.

25. Improves Your Blood Circulation

Lavender oil is good for improving blood circulation in the body. It lowers the BP and is used for hypertension.

How to Use:

  • Take 25 drops of lavender essential oil in 2 ounces of chosen carrier oil
  • Massage your body with it to get beneficial results.

This is promising – Lavender oil used for AROMATHERAPY has beneficial effects on blood circulation.

26. Treats Diabetes

One of the chronic illnesses of our time is diabetes. Aromatherapy in the form of lavender oil protects your body from the following symptoms of diabetes – increase in blood glucose, weight gain, Liver and kidney dysfunction and more.

How to Use:

  • Topical application of lavender essential oil on your neck and chest can benefit you from diabetes.

27. Pain Relief

Apart from aroma, Lavender oil has analgesic properties too. That is why, it is prescribed for pain relief from chronic problems for centuries together.
Down with back pain, arthritic pain or cervical spondylosis?

Count on lavender oil to get relief.

How to Use: Just massage the lavender oil on the painful area to experience relief.

Tip: Lavender oil is the most suitable and appropriate remedy for soothing body pain. It works best when applied topically.

28. Reduce Fever

How to Use: Mix 3 drops each of lavender oil and lemon (steam distilled) with 1-ounce carrier oil in a small bowl. Apply it to the spine and bottom area of the feet. This will treat the fever in small children and babies effectively.

Tip: Fever can also be brought down by first doing a body sponge with cool water. Then add lavender, eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils to the cool water and do a body-sponge.

29. Treats Menstrual Cramps

Lavender oil is very effective as a stress-reliever. Studies confirm the goodness of this oil in reducing menstrual cramps.

How to Use:

  • Take lavender oil and either olive oil or coconut oil.
  • Mix these oils (to get a ‘dilute’ effect) and then apply it on the painful area.
  • Do a bit of massage too.
  • You will get relief.

Tip: Alternatively, you can apply few drops of lavender oil to a hot compress. Then, apply it on your muscles to get pain-relief.

30. Calm Nerves

Lavender oil is a powerhouse of essential oils. When anxiety is getting the better of you, switch to lavender oil to get instant relief.

How to Use:

  • Make a blend of lavender oil and coconut oil.
  • Put few drops of it in your palm.
  • Rub on your neck to get natural anxiety relief.

31. Relieve Earaches

Pains as a result of earaches can be a painful experience. Ditch the usual painkiller pills and adopt lavender oil to get rid of earache.

How to Use:

  • Take around 10 drops of lavender essential oil.
  • Pour it slowly in your child’s ear.
  • Then, gently press on it for about 5-10 minutes.
  • Repeat this remedy twice.

32. Alleviate Motion Sickness

As an essential oil, lavender oil curbs nausea, reduces anxiety and relieves you of stress.

How to Use: Here is a recipe for Motion Sickness Spray:

  • Mix 1/4 cup witch hazel, 1/4 cup distilled water,10 drops peppermint oil, 7 drops lavender oil, 5 drops of lemon, 2 drops ginger and a 4 oz spray bottle.
  • Add all the essential oils, water and witch hazel in the spray bottle.
  • Shake the bottle well so as to combine all the ingredients.
  • Now spray it on your wrists, neck, and above the navel.

Tip: You can also spray Motion Sickness liquid preparation in your car.

33. Treats Tired Muscles

Facing sore muscles? Seems like your muscular pain is making your muscles tight and painful after a long workout. Try out muscle cramp massage oil with lavender in it for immediate relief.

How to Use:

  • Mix Key ingredients (15 drops lavender oil, 15 drops rosemary, 10 drops marjoram, 5 drops black pepper) and Alternate blend (5 drops lavender, 5 drops rosemary, 5 drops marjoram, 3 drops black pepper, and 5 tsp carrier oil).
  • Combine all these oils in a 5 ml glass dropper bottle.
  • Shake it to blend.
  • Now massage a little of this blend on the affected muscles.

34. Reduces Bloating

Any idea what causes bloating? Blame it on the overgrowth of bad bacteria in the body. Lavender oil has polyphenols which reduce the ‘bad’ bacteria in your blood, thereby tackling your bloating problem.

How to Use:

  • Say GOODBYE TO BLOATING by sprinkling some dried lavender (of culinary grade) on your Greek yogurt.
  • It will not only reduce bloating, it will also help in proper digestion.

Lavender Essential Oil Uses:

Endless LAVENDER BEAUTY-AND-BATH SOLUTIONS for you to try out. You will love the pampering and addiction.

1. As A Toner

What all you need: Lavender buds, 100 ml of water, and a bowl


  1. Boil water (in the mentioned qty.) in a bowl
  1. Now put in the lavender buds (they should be completely submerged in the boiling water)
  1. Cover the bowl
  1. Let it steep for a few hours
  1. Drain the mixture into a glass bottle (which should be clean)
  1. Refrigerate it.
  1. Spray some of this lavender water on a cotton pad
  1. Wipe your face with it gently (after you have washed your face in the morning)
  1. See and feel your skin refreshed as the morning dew.

How it works: Cleansing, refreshing, clarifying skin – so many things a lavender toner does to your face.

2. As A Good Conditioner

What all you need: 1 cup water, 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar, 10 drops of essential oils, Lavender Oil (for dry hair or dandruff)


  1. Mix all the ingredients in a spray bottle of 8 oz.
  1. Shake the bottle well before using it
  1. Do a hair-Spray with it
  1. Let it stay on the hair for 5 minutes
  1. Rinse it

How it works: This lavender oil recipe restores the natural pH of hair, and rehydrates it! The result?? Soft, and healthy hair!

3. As A Natural Perfume

What all you need: Lavender oil


  • Want to smell and feel good? Just dab a little of lavender oil at the back of your neck (or your wrist).

How it works: Lavender oil is the best thing to have happened to the beauty and perfumery industry. It’s a healthy and chemical-free option to perfumes and colognes.

4. Lavender Oil Bath

What all you need: 8 to 10 drops each of Lavender oil, Frankincense, Bergamot, Chamomile and Myrrh Oils, 2 ½ cups Epsom Salt, 1/4 cup Bentonite Clay, and a bowl


  1. In a glass bowl, blend two ingredients – epsom salt and bentonite clay
  1. Now add the five essential oils (mentioned above)
  1. Transfer the ingredients in a jar (the lid should be tight-fitting)
  1. When it is usage time, put half to 3/4th cup of this preparation in a warm bath
  1. Relax in this bath for 15 minutes (you could extend the time depending on your comfort level)
  1. Rinse using the shower

How it works: A relaxing bath (like this one) de-stresses and rejuvenates your body. GO for it (it will help you unwind in the best possible way).

5. As A Non-Toxic Air Freshener

What all you need: 1 1/2 to 2 cups distilled water, 1 tbsp baking soda, 5 to 6 drops of lavender essential oil (for calming effect)


  1. Stir the baking soda and essential oil in a tiny bowl
  1. Now transfer the baking soda into a spray bottle
  1. Fill the balance half of the spray bottle with water
  1. Shake the bottle until the baking soda gets dissolved
  1. Your air-freshener is ready. Use it in all rooms of your house or office

How it works: Lavender oil is a safe and aromatic way to freshen up the air in your home or work space, WITHOUT THE TOXINS.

6. As A Natural, Chemical-Free Lip Balm

What all you need: 7 drops lavender essential oil, 7 drops peppermint essential oil, 1 tbsp coconut oil, 1 tbsp beeswax, 2 tbsp shea butter, and Lip balm Tins


  1. Melt coconut oil, beeswax and shea butter in a small pot over medium flame
  1. Stir it frequently
  1. Remove it from heat
  1. Add lavender and peppermint oils
  1. Whisk it well so that the oil gets evenly distributed
  1. Transfer the final output in a lip balm tin
  1. Let it cool till it becomes hard

How it works: This homemade lavender lip balm recipe not only provides nourishment to lips, it also hydrates dry and cracked lips (without the harmful and negative side effects of chemicals!)

7. Lavender Oil Spa

What all you need: 6-10 drops Lavender Oil, 1 cup Epsom salt, 1/4 cup baking soda, 1/4 cup melted coconut oil


  1. Make a warm bath
  1. While the water is running, add the Epsom salt and baking soda (for the salts to melt before you get in)
  1. Now add melted coconut oil and lavender essential oil to the mix.
  1. Soak yourself in the relaxing goodness of lavender oil spa for good 30 minutes.

How it works: There is nothing better and enjoyable than creating a HOME SPA experience. It’s worth it with lavender oil (soothes your senses, and your skin too).

8. Body Scrub

What all you need: 10-15 drops Lavender essential oil, 2 cups Epsom Salt, 1 cup organic extra-virgin coconut oil and a bowl, Sprig of fresh rosemary (optional).


  1. Take a bowl first
  1. Add Epsom salt and coconut oil, Lavender essential oil, and cut rosemary leaves.
  1. Mix well.
  1. Now transfer the mixture to a small jar.
  1. Cover it with lid

How it works: Hurray! You get a luxe body scrub that leaves your skin feeling soft.

9. Hand Or Foot Soak

What all you need: 2 cups Epsom salt, 3 tbsp Baking Soda, 10-15 drops of Lavender Essential Oil, 10-15 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil, Lavender flowers (dried), Mason Jar (for storage)


  1. In a mixing bowl, put 2 cups Epsom salt
  1. Add Baking Soda and stir (till the E.salt and B.soda get combined)
  1. Now add 1/4 cup of dried lavender flowers
  1. Add the lavender and tea tree essential oil at the last
  1. Stir it well
  1. Pour it in a mason jar for use!

How it works: Pamper and nourish your feet and hands with this easy-to-make soak which uses lavender oil.

10. Lavender Compress

What all you need: 4 to 5 drops lavender essential oil, cold water, ice cubes, towel


  1. Fill a bowl with cold water (add ice cubes to make the water really COLD)
  1. Add 4 to 5 drops of lavender essential oil into the ice cold water
  1. Dip a towel into the bowl
  1. Place the towel over the painful area (after squeezing out excess of water)
  1. Put a cling film on top so that your clothes don’t get soaked
  1. The moment the compress reaches body temperature, remove it
  1. Dip the towel again in ice-cold water to repeat the process.

How it works: Cold compress comes of great use in headaches, and as a first aid in case of acute injuries (e.g. sprained ankle or other swollen, “hot” injuries)

How To Make Lavender Oil At Home

Recipe time!


  1. Cut the sprigs of fresh lavender (or buy them in dried form)
  1. The leaves, stems and flowers can be used to infuse oil. Avoid the woody, thick stems near the base
  1. Allow the lavender to dry
  1. Once done, crush the lavender and transfer it in a jar
  1. Pour any non-scented or lightly scented oil (e.g. almond oil, safflower oil, olive oil) into the jar (in such a way that it fully covers the lavender)
  1. Cover the jar tightly and put it in the sun (for at least 48 hours)
  1. Now strain the oil, and discard the flowers etc. in the garden or compost
  1. Store the oil in a dark bottle or jar.

How To Use Lavender While Cooking


  • Mix few lavender flower spikes to sugar. Store it for a week. Bingo! This can be used to sweeten and add a lavender flavor to green or black tea (even milk).
  • Are you making CUSTARD filling? Add lavender flavor (by steeping the milk with lavender flowers for 1-2 hours). Now strain the flowers before you further make the custard filling.
  • Lavender essential oil can be used in savory recipes (especially as a replacement for rosemary). Use 2x (meaning twice) the amount of lavender in place of rosemary.
  • Want the taste of your fish or meat recipe enhanced? Try a marinade of chopped lavender, lemon juice and olive oil.

Lavender – Nutritional Values

You can add Lavender sparingly when it comes to adding flavor to certain baked dishes. Thanks to the vitamins and minerals, lavender can be of great use to you.

Lavender Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 3.5 ounces (100 gms), fresh
Amt. Per Serving %age Daily Value*
Calories from Fat
Total Fat
Saturated Fat
Trans Fat
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 0mg 0%
Total Carbohydrates 11 g
Dietary Fiber
Vitamin A Vitamin C
Calcium Iron
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Cautions/Side Effects

Here are some Do’s and Dont’s you should know when buying Lavender oil:


  • While buying lavender oil, make sure you are going for the one made with organically grown lavender
  • Buy lavender oil extracted using steam-distilled method (when buying for your skin remedies).
  • Lavender is gentle on the skin. So you need not dilute it. But if you have sensitive skin, then by all means dilute it and then use.
  • It is good to test the lavender oil for any allergic reaction before using it.


  • Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use lavender oil.
  • If you are under medication for insomnia, then be cautious while taking lavender oil (it can aggravate the effects of medication).

Tips, Prevention And After Care

Allergy towards lavender oil can happen in some. Side effects range from headache, nausea, vomiting and chills after inhaling lavender oil or topical application of oil!
Preggie women and nursing moms need to strictly avoid this oil.

Write in your likes and comments. And do tell us how you are going to use lavender – for skin, hair or health, or all.

Source: Victoria’s Glamour