Top 12 Best Remedies For Get Rid Of Dark Skin On Neck

Everyone these days wants to look chic and dapper, and have beautiful skin too. While the face and the body can be taken care of easily to a large extent, when it comes to the back of the neck, the skin is still darker than the rest of the body and that causes utmost embarrassment to many of us, women especially.

In most cases it would be sun tanning to be blamed, but tan is just one of the many causes. Let’s take a look at more causes and home remedies to help as well, shall we?


Dark neck becomes a matter of bothersome for most of us women, especially when we want to wear chic cholis and backless numbers or statement neckpieces, and our dark skin prevents us from flaunting pieces on our necks. But what causes the neck skin to darken? Let’s understand the reasons:

  1. Poor hygiene: If you don’t exfoliate and clean the neck daily, chances are the dead skin cells around the neck would layer up and accumulate and create an illusion of thick dark skin
  1. Harsh UV rays: Long term sun exposure, sans UVA and UVB skin cream protection, would face dark neck skin.
  1. Medicines: Certain medications too can create side-effects such as the darkening of the skin neck.
  1. Diseases: Underlying diseases such as obesity and diabetes can be blamed, say medical experts.
  1. The epidermis layer of the skin is where the darkening happens. This is when the epidermal skin produces a lot of cells on a very rapid basis. The abnormal growth in the cells of the skin would trigger the insulin production of the blood and can create dark skin on the neck too.

Now that we know the various causes of dark skin neck, let’s take a look at the various easy home remedies that we can use to lighten up the skin, shall we?

How To Get Rid Of Dark Skin On Neck

Before you jump the gun and pay for galvanising skin treatments to remove the darkness on the skin of the neck, try the below home remedies to see if any works.

1. Almond

Reason for use:

Also known as beauty food, almonds are packed with vitamin E and good fats that help nourish and rejuvenate the skin, removing the discoloration on the skin too. There are many ways that you could use almonds to lighten the skin on the neck. Some of them are-


  • Powdered almonds
  • Milk powder
  • Honey

Step by Step Procedure and application:

  1. Take a teaspoon of powdered almonds, milk powder and honey in equal quantities. Mix the ingredients well with your fingers until you form a gooey paste.
  1. Apply it on the neck and wait for half an hour.
  1. Once the paste dries up, gently rub the area with cold water and in circular motions exfoliate the area.
  1. This helps remove dirt, grime and dead skin cells, and wash away the darkness too.

How frequent to use:

  • Thrice a week for a month to get the best results for normal to dry skin.
  • Once a week for oily and combination skin.
  • For sensitive skin, once in fifteen days would be enough.
  • Not for couperouse skin.
  • Alternatively, you could use almond oil for the lightening of the neck skin. Massaging the neck with lukewarm almond oil helps with blood circulation, bringing back the glow on your skin and lightening effects too. The oil method can be used once every day for all skin types.

2. Aloe Vera

Reason for use:

One of nature’s natural skin lightening agents, aloe vera is a moisturizer from nature too. The gel of aloe vera obtained from the stem of the plan can reduce dark spots, discoloration and lighten the skin as well.


  • Aloe Vera gel
  • Cold water

Step by step procedure and application:

  1. Begin by extracting the gel of the plant from its stem.
  1. Apply the gel directly onto the skin and massage the area for a minute.
  1. Let it be on the skin for half an hour, and then wash off with cold water.

How frequent to use:

  • Daily for all skin types

3. Walnuts

Reason for use:

The use of walnuts to lighten the skin for long has been claimed to be one of the best, since it has minerals, vitamins and antioxidants in it.

Rich in vitamin B and E, walnuts improves the overall skin texture, prevents aging by revitalizing damaged cells and regenerating new cells.

In addition to that, walnuts also help moisturize the skin and bring back good health to the skin.


  • Walnut paste
  • Sour curd
  • Rose water (optional)

Step by step procedure and application:

  1. Start by shelling off the walnuts and placing the contents of five walnuts into a blender.
  1. Add to this a tablespoon of sour curd and blend the same into a paste.
  1. Apply the paste on the back of the neck and wait for an hour.
  1. Let it dry completely and then gently with cold water or rose water wash the same.

How frequent to use:

  • Preferably every day for normal to dry skin.
  • For oily and combo skin types, once every two days,
  • For sensitive skin, once a week would do.
  • However, if you have dry, flaky and couperouse skin conditions, DO NOT USE THIS FORMULA.

4. Cucumber

Reason for use:

  • The humble cucumber has properties to soothe the skin, repair skin cells and also get exfoliation of the skin done too.
  • Since cucumber contains 80% water, when applied, it hydrates the skin, making it look dewy and supple.
  • Cucumber contains vitamin A, C, B1, biotin and potassium.
  • Vitamin A improves the overall health of the skin by enhancing rapid cell regeneration, Vitamin C promotes collagen and also aids in skin lightening, Vitamin B1 improves blood circulation, and biotin protects the skin from infection.


  • Cucumber Juice

Step by step procedure and application:

Process 1

  • Grate a cucumber and make juice out of it.
  • Apply this juice all over the neck and scrub gently for twenty minutes.
  • Once it dries up, use rosewater to wash the area, followed by cold water rinse.

How frequent to use:

  • Perfect for dry to normal and even couperouse skin types.
  • Works well with oily to combination skin types as an astringent and a lightener too. And best for sensitive skin as well.
  • Thrice a week for all skin types would be more than enough.

Process 2


  • Cucumber juice
  • Lime juice

Step by step procedure and application:

  1. You can also mix the juice of a lime and cucumber to form a solvent.
  1. Apply this on the neck for half an hour with the help of cotton for dabbing.
  1. Wait and then wash off with cold water

How frequent to use:

  • Works well with all skin types.
  • Thrice a week for all skin types would be more than enough.
  • Pat dry your skin and don’t forget to use a moisturizer.

Process 3


  • Cucumber
  • Curd
  • Lime

Step by step procedure and application:

  1. Juice up a whole cucumber and add to this a teaspoon of curd and lime juice.
  1. Mix well and apply the paste to your neck.
  1. Wait for ten minutes and then gently massage and wash off under cold water.
  1. Lime is a natural bleaching agent, while cucumber soothes and hydrates the skin.

How frequent to use:

  • Works well with all skin types.
  • Thrice a week for all skin types would be more than enough.
  • Pat dry your skin and don’t forget to use a moisturizer.

5. Lemon Juice

Reason for use:

  1. The presence of citric acid in lemons would be what causes the natural bleaching of the skin when lime is used.
  1. In addition to that, the presence of vitamin C from limes nourish the skin and removes dead skin cells too, while lightening the darkness on the skin.

Process 1


  • Lime juice
  • Cotton

Step by Step Procedure and application:

  • Juice up a whole lime and into this juice you shall place a cotton ball.
  • If you have a sensitive skin condition, dilute the concentrate with water and then dip the cotton in it.
  • Dab the wet limed up cotton onto the skin and wait for half an hour.
  • Wash off with cold water thereafter.

How frequent to use:

  • Daily use for all skin types

Process 2


  • Rose water
  • Lime juice
  • Cotton

Step by Step Procedure and application:

  1. Dab a cotton ball in this solvent and wipe over the neck.
  1. Mix an equal amount of rose water and lime juice.
  1. Wait for half an hour and then shower.

How frequent to use:

  • Every day for a month and for all skin types, if you want the best results to be seen.

Process 3

  • Ingredients
  • Lemon
  • Cut open a lemon in half and rub one half onto the skin for five minutes.
  • Wash off ten minutes later.
  • This will help naturally bleach the skin.

How frequent to use:

  • Every day for a month and for all skin types, if you want the best results to be seen.

6. Potatoes

Reason for Use:

  • The presence of catecholase enzymes in potatoes can bring down darkening of skin and skin issues.
  • Also with minerals such as potassium and calcium, magnesium as well in it, the skin is moisturized and hydrated, and protected too.
  • New skin cells are formed thanks to the presence of vitamin B6 in potatoes.
  • The vitamin C levels in potatoes helps with collagen boosting, elasticity and skin firmness too, along with extracting dirt and grime as well.
  • Melanin production is thus brought down to a large extent with potatoes.

Process 1


  • Potato pulp
  • Turmeric powder

Step by Step Procedure and application:

  1. Gently massage the pulp over the neck and wait for the juice to submerge into the skin.
  1. Take a large potato and in a blender make it into a pulp.
  1. Add to this a pinch of turmeric.
  1. Wait for twenty minutes and then wash off with cold water.

How frequent to use:

  • Every day for a month and for all skin types, if you want the best results to be seen.

Process 2


  • Potato pulp
  • Honey

Step by Step Procedure and application:

  • Take a large potato and in a blender make it into a pulp.
  • Add to this a teaspoon of honey for moisturizing needs.
  • Gently massage the pulp over the neck and wait for the juice to submerge into the skin.
  • Wait for twenty minutes and then wash off with cold water.

How frequent to use:

  • Every day for a month and for all skin types, if you want the best results to be seen.

7. Baking Soda

Reason for Use:

  • Baking soda has sodium.
  • Sodium is a neutralizer that balances the pH levels of the skin
  • Baking soda on the whole also helps with the removal of dead skin cells too from the skin.
  • The acid-alkaline nature of the skin would thus be balanced and the skin will glow.
  • Baking soda also helps stop cellular damage to the skin, and is antimicrobial too.

Process 1


  • Baking soda
  • Water

Step by Step Procedure and application:

  1. A tablespoon of baking soda should be taken and mixed with half a tablespoon of water.
  1. Apply the paste onto the skin for half an hour and gently massage the skin in circular motions.
  1. Wash off half an hour later with warm water.

How frequent to use:

  • For oily skin and combo skin types, use this formula twice a week.
  • For normal to dry skin, use it once a week.
  • Do not use this formula for sensitive and couperouse skin types.

Process 2


  • Baking soda
  • Buttermilk

Step by Step Procedure and application:

  1. Take two tablespoons of baking soda and add a tablespoon of warm to it.
  1. Mix the two and apply the paste on the neck for half an hour.
  1. Wash off with warm water and pat dry.

How frequent to use:

  • For oily skin and combo skin types, use this formula twice a week.
  • For normal to dry skin, use it once a week.
  • For couperouse and sensitive skin conditions, use it once a week.

8. Orange Peel

Reason for Use:

  • Orange peels have plenty of antimicrobial properties in it, which makes it great to use for skin lightening, especially if you have oily or acne prone skin.
  • In addition to that it can also remove pigmentation marks over time too.
  • Orange peels can also leave the skin refreshed, clean and younger looking too.
  • Orange peels have antioxidants and astringent properties too, which make excellent face packs as well and protects the skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

Process 1


  • Whole orange
  • Curd

Step by Step Procedure and application:

  1. Take the peel of one whole orange and mix with it a tablespoon of curd.
  1. Blend the two in a mixer to form a paste.
  1. Apply this pack on the skin for half an hour.
  1. Wait for it to dry and then wash off with cold water.

How frequent to use:

  • For oily and combo skin types, this pack should be used thrice a week.
  • For normal to dry skin types, this pack should be used once a week.
  • For sensitive skin types and acne prone skin, use this pack twice a week.

Process 2


  • Orange pulp
  • Turmeric powder
  • Honey

Step by Step Procedure and application:

  1. Mix the orange pulp with this a pinch of turmeric powder and honey each.
  1. Make a paste of the same and apply it on the neck.
  1. Wait for half an hour and then wash off under cold water.
  1. This would help scrub off the dirt, grime and the dead skin cells and also nourish the skin too.

How frequent to use:

  • Daily for all skin types, especially acne prone!

9. Chickpea Flour

Reason for Use:

  • Also known as besan, gramflour would be the innate ingredient used in many health and beauty scores for DIY skin care.
  • It helps clean and exfoliate the skin, and can be used to lighten the skin too.
  • Gram flour alkalizing properties  maintain the PH level of the skin
  • The flour is also rich in anti-aging properties

Process 1


  • Gram flour
  • Lime juice

Step by Step Procedure and application:

  1. Juice up a whole lime and strain the juice.
  1. Mix the juice with a tablespoon of besan and form a paste.
  1. Apply the paste with your fingers on the neck and wait for half an hour.
  1. Wash off under cold water and pat dry

How frequent to use:

  • Perfect for all skin types and should be done thrice a week.

Process 2


  • Gram flour
  • Honey
  • Raw milk
  • Curd

Step by Step Procedure and application:

  1. A tablespoon of curd and honey with raw milk each should be mixed into a gooey formula, to which two tablespoons of besan should be added.
  1. Make a paste of them all and apply the pack on the neck
  1. Wait for half an hour.
  1. Wash off under cold water and gently pat dry.

How frequent to use:

  • Perfect for all skin types and should be done thrice a week.

10. Rice Water

Reason for Use:

  • Irrespective of your skin type, rice water would be the best skin lightening regime, especially around the neck.
  • Rice is a rich source of PABA (para aminobenzoic acid) which is a great sunscreen.
  • When the water is consumed it increases Vitamin C in the body.
  • Rice water is loaded with vitamin E, ferulic acid and allantoin.


  • Rice water

Step by Step Procedure and application:

  1. Soak a cup of raw rice in a bowl of cold water and let it sit over night.
  1. The next morning, strain the rice and keep the water in the fridge for an hour.
  1. Wash the skin with this water thrice a day and dab dry.

How frequent to use:

  • Thrice a day and done daily would show you the results you need to see. PERFECT FOR ALL SKIN TYPES!

11. Milk Cream

Reason for Use:

  • Malai or milk cream helps moisturize the skin and lighten it too because of the presence of lactic acid in it.
  • In addition to that, milk cream can also make couperouse and dry skin, soft and smooth, and helps with deep nourishment too.
  • Skin texture is cared for and clogged pores are cleansed as well.


  • Milk cream
  • Turmeric

Step by Step Procedure and application:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of milk cream with a pinch of haldi.
  1. Form a paste and apply this paste on the neck.
  1. Let it sit for half an hour and then wash off gently with warm water.
  1. This would help moisten the skin and balance the pH levels of the skin, and lighten it too.

How frequent to use:

  • Perfect for all skin types and should be done thrice a week.

Process 2


  • Milk cream
  • Lime juice

Step by Step Procedure and application:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of milk cream with a teaspoon of lime juice.
  1. Let it sit for half an hour and then wash off gently with warm water.
  1. Form a paste and apply this paste on the neck.
  1. This would help moisten the skin and nourish the skin, and lime would naturally bleach the skin as well.

How frequent to use:

  • Perfect for all skin types and should be done four times a week.

12. Natural Oils

Reason for Use:

Natural oils are very important to use for health and beauty needs, as they are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

They help deal with skin issues, acne prone skin, blemishes and pigmentation, dark spots and wrinkles too. And they are best to use to help with skin lightening as well.

Process 1


  • Besan
  • Lime oil

Step by Step Procedure and application:

  1. Add the lime oil to besan and make a paste (2 drops to a tablespoon).
  1. Apply the same on the face and wait for ten minutes.
  1. Massage the mask gently and then wash off with cold water.
  1. Dab and pat dry.

How frequent to use:

  • Perfect for all skin types and should be done once a week.

Process 2


  • Virgin coconut oil

Step by Step Procedure and application:

  1. Once cool, the oil should be deeply massaged into the skin for ten minutes.
  1. Mix three tablespoons of virgin coconut oil, and heat it.
  1. Wait for half an hour and then wipe the skin with a moist warm wet towel.

How frequent to use:

Perfect for all skin types and should be done daily.

Now that we have given you twelve amazing remedies with various processes for almost all of them to use, let’s learn about the daily care for avoiding dark neck altogether. Read on please!

What Are The Daily Care To Avoid Dark Neck:

Here are a couple of helpful daily care tips to beat the summer sun and avoid darkening the neck. Check these pointers!

  1. A good sunscreen to use at least forty five minutes before you leave home every day is a must. If you have oily skin, twice a day application is a must. The SPF in it should be above 40. And this will protect the skin from the harsh UV rays of the sun.
  1. Drink a lot of water while the summers are on, and this should be no less than ten glasses per day, say experts. This will help the skin stay hydrated and supple, and moisturized too.
  1. For those who work outdoors and swim outdoors while the summer is on, they should use SPF lotions that are specially formulated. This will help reduce the occurrence of sunburns. Apply the creams twenty minutes before heading out each time for work or play, and your skin would be safe.
  1. Talking about swimming, most pools are chlorinated which can make the skin tanner than ever. This is why, once the swimming is done and over with, one should use fresh water and body soap to clean the skin.
  1. Moisturize the skin in summer as well, even if you have oily skin. A water based moisturiser is a must to use, but for oily skin, sticking to a gel based moisturiser and a mattyfying moisturiser would be best.
  2. Splash cold water on your face five times a day to keep it clean, to wash the pores and to remove dirt, grime and dead skin cells as well. Just splash, no rubbing!
  3. Use the right toner to tone the pores; herbal toners are best to use or sprinkle rose water or mint water on the face twice a day to shrink the pores.
  4. Avoid the sun as much as possible between eleven in the morning to four in the evening. This is the time when the rays of the sun are the harshest.
  5. Psoralen in perfumes are what can stain the skin; so do not use perfumes when out in the sun, or else the skin is darkened permanently with perfume usage.
  6. Mineral makeup should be worn, since it is lighter and mattier to wear and feel when the summers are on. They also allow the skin to breathe and the makeup lasts longer too
  7. Hats and sunshades should be worn, to bring down the ill effects of the sun rays on the skin, the eye lids and more
  8. Stay away from junk and processed foods, and stick to fresh fruits and veggies as much as possible.

Final Words:

We hope you have a happy summer and we also hope that you follow the tips and homemade remedies for removal of tanning from the neck too. Do write in with your own thoughts and comments, and ideas too. Happy summer everyone!

Disclaimer: Do speak to your doctor for any underlying skin diseases you may have before you use any of the home remedies mentioned here. Your doctors words would take precedence over what is written here, and anywhere else online. When using any of the home remedies, do not use these formulas as a substitute to the many prescriptions and prescribed methods given by your doctor. We wish you a lovely summer and a glowing skin at all times.

Source: Victoria’s Glamour