17 Natural Banana Hair Masks For Dry And Dull Hair

Long, smooth and healthy hair locks are every girl’s wish and need. But does this dream always come true? It is difficult. Which is why, we go after chemical treatments and hair straighteners to sport straight hair, which end up damaging the hair.

Did you know that there are banana masks to fulfill your good-hair wish? Let us first know the wonders of banana for hair:

Banana Benefits For Healthy Hair

There is more to a banana, rather than just munching it. So versatile this fruit is, that it is packed with vitamins A, B, C and E. And, then there are minerals such as potassium, zinc, iron and manganese. All these soften the hair volume, and protect the hair’s elasticity, thereby preventing hair breakage and split ends. Let us find out some wonderful banana hair masks.

Here Are The Amazing Natural Banana Hair Masks

1. Simple Banana Hair Mask

What all you need:

  • 1 ripe banana (for longer hair, two bananas recommended)
  • 2 tbsp olive or coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • ½ cup full fat milk (coconut milk or yogurt can also be used)
  • 1 tbsp butter (optional)


  • Put ripe banana(s) in a blender
  • Add the following ingredients – honey, milk, coconut (or olive oil)
  • Blend them well to get smooth and creamy consistency (so that it is easier to rinse hair)

How it works:

Banana hair mask is no small thing. It brings moisture and shine to your dull and lifeless locks. There is the goodness of vitamin C and antioxidants to make it a great hair mask.


Wanna escape the trouble of banana blending? Use banana baby food puree. All you need to do is open the bottle of banana puree, add the ingredients, and mix them well. This will help the banana sticking to your hair.

2. Banana & Honey Mask (To Moisturize/To Treat Split Ends)

Honey – being a natural humectant – has the potential to bring moisture and shine to the dullest of hair.

What all you need:

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 to 2 tbsp honey
  • Bowl


  • Mash the banana in a bowl, until you get smooth texture
  • Now add honey to it
  • Apply this mixture to damp hair
  • Once you are through, cover your hair with a shower cap
  • Wait for 20 minutes to half an hour
  • Rinse out the banana-honey hair mask
  • Use hair shampoo, and conditioner as follow-up

How it works:

Bananas, being rich in potassium, strengthen and thicken dull and lifeless hair. This hair mask ends up nourishing the scalp and hair follicles.

3. Banana And Papaya Mask

So smooth and workable is Papaya, it prevents the balding to happen. That is because it is rich in nutrients. Boosting hair strength and hair growth are other benefits of this hair mask. Last but not the least, it also shields your scalp from dandruff.

What all you need:

  • 1 banana
  • Small papaya
  • 1-2 tbsp of honey


  • First of all, mash a banana in a bowl
  • Now is the time to add papaya, and mash it too
  • Pour a tsp of honey (preferably organic honey) into the bowl
  • Transfer the contents in a blender, so that there are no lumps
  • The Banana-Papaya hair mask is ready to use

How it works:

When it comes to healing the scalp and the hair locks, banana papaya hair mask is a great therapy for damaged and lifeless hair.


Apply the mask from the hair roots to the tip. Then wash it off with cold water, and then shampoo.

4. Banana And Milk Mask

Milk is a powerhouse of nutrients for hair. It has calcium, vitamins and proteins to bring back natural hair shine and luster. The lactic acid in it whisks away dead skin cells (which might be sitting pretty on your hair).

What all you need:

  • 1 piece of banana
  • Milk
  • Bowl
  • Honey (optional)
  • Cocoa powder(optional)


  • In a bowl, split the banana into small chunks
  • Add milk to it, and make it into a fine paste
  • Add optional ingredients – honey and cocoa powder (if you feel the need)
  • Mix all of it well, so that the paste settles on the scalp
  • Then, wash your hair as normal (make sure there is no more mask on your scalp)
  • It’s time to sit back and enjoy beautiful hair

How it works:

Banana-milk hair mask, going by its very name, is nourishing to the T. It changes the texture of the hair, and helps in hair straightening.

5. Banana And Mustard Oil Mask

When you massage sarson ka tel on your scalp, you increase blood circulation in the scalp, and stimulate hair growth. Plus, it has vitamins, minerals and beta-carotene, apart from iron, fatty acids, calcium and magnesium – all these promote hair growth.

What all you need:

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 tsp mustard oil


  • Firstly, mash a ripe banana
  • Add a tsp of mustard oil to it
  • Massage this paste on your scalp, and hair in even proportions
  • Wait for about half an hour
  • Now wash it with mild shampoo

How it works:

Mustard oil is ‘God’s gifted oil’, when it comes to preventing hair dryness, and increasing the blood & nutrient supply to the scalp.


For reducing hair fall, do a hot oil massage using mustard oil.

6. Banana And Amla Mask

The juice of Amla (rich in vitamin C) strengthens the hair follicles, which encourages hair growth, making your hair bulky and shiny.

What all you need:

  • 1 banana (ripe)
  • Amla (soaked overnight)


  • Extract the pulp of soaked amla
  • Mix amla paste with banana
  • Apply this mask on the hair (starting from the roots)
  • After some time, wash them off to get the desired shiny and bouncy hair

How it works:

It’s a twin combination for your hair locks – banana for hair shine and amla for hair strengthening. Very fruitful it is, I tell you!

7. Banana And Coconut Oil Mask

Coconut oil is the indisputable oil for hair nourishing, hair strengthening, and adding hair length.

What all you need:

  • 1 banana (ripe)
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil


  • In a blender, put ripe banana pieces and coconut oil
  • Blend it, till you get a smooth paste
  • Apply this paste to your hair (from the roots to the tips)
  • Let it stay for 20-30 minutes
  • Wrap your head with a hot towel (so that max. absorption takes place)
  • Rinse well, with a shampoo and conditioner

How it works:

This is hands-down the easiest hair mask, both in making and applying. Plus, it is rich with nutrients and antioxidants. Doesn’t this make it AW-some?

8. Banana And Avocado Mask (For Hair Growth)

Avocado oil helps a lot in moisturizing and rejuvenating the scalp. It is a rich source of proteins, vitamins and amino acids that never lets your hair down!

What all you need:

  • 1 tbsp avocado oil
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • ½ tsp honey
  • 1 egg (beaten)


  • Mix all the ingredients completely
  • Now cover your hair with this fine paste
  • After 10 minutes are over, rinse your hair
  • Do the usual shampoo and conditioning

How it works:

Did you know Avocado oil wins bonus points? It is a natural sunscreen for your hair, protecting your locks against harmful UV rays. Ever heard of this benefit??


When you are down with dry hair, try out Avocado hair masks for its great moisturizing benefits.

9. Banana And Curd Mask (For Hair Loss)

Curd is not just for intestinal health, but for healthy, smooth, silky hair. Overcomes dandruff, and gets you the shine – you longed for.

What all you need:

  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 tbsp Greek yogurt (plain)
  • 3 tsp honey
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • Essential oils (optional)


  • Take a small bowl
  • Put ‘mashed’ banana and all other ingredients in it and whip
  • If you want a sweet fragrance, then add an essential oil
  • Once the mixture looks smooth and creamy, apply it to damp hair using a wide toothed comb
  • Wrap your hair in a shower cap
  • After 15-20 minutes, rinse off your hair with lukewarm water
  • Follow it up by using shampoo and conditioner

How it works:

This type of hair mask rejuvenates thin, dry and brittle hair, and gives you immense relief from the scorching sun in summers.

10. Banana And Olive Oil Mask

Called ‘Jaitoon tel’, olive oil moisturizes the parched skin and hair. Which is why it is used in hair champi and body massage! It is the oldest pressed oil known to mankind – rich in vitamin E and healthy fats.

What all you need:

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 tbsp olive oil


  • Blend (roughly chopped) banana and extra virgin olive oil in a blender
  • Now you get frothy and creamy hair mask
  • Apply this mask on your wet hair
  • After 15-20 minutes, rinse it off, then shampoo and condition your hair

How it works:

Suffering from damaged hair locks – due to heat styling, or sun exposure, or harsh chemicals in shampoo and swimming pools? Olive oil banana hair mask returns the hair shine due to deeply moisturizing hair treatment.


Made more of this hair mask? You can store it for up to 1 week in the refrigerator. But, if it starts to smell, then throw it away.

11. Banana And Argan Oil Mask (Strengthening Hair)

Argan oil is a tremendous boon to the scalp suffering from itching and dandruff. This oil has natural phenols that are beneficial for hair follicles.

What all you need:

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 3 tbsp argan oil


  • Mash banana in a bowl to fine texture
  • Then add the rest of the ingredients: honey and argan oil
  • Apply this mix to your hair (from roots till the ends)
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap
  • After 20 min, rinse off your hair, then shampoo and condition

How it works:

Argan oil – called the ‘liquid gold’ – is extremely rich in fatty acids and vitamin E. Native to Morocco, it gets you shiny, silky and soft hair!

12. Banana, Coconut Oil, Honey And Milk Mask (For Dry & Dull Hair)

What all you need:

  • 1 ripe banana
  • Coconut oil (few tbsp)
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • Milk


  • Blend all the ingredients in a bowl
  • Then apply the thick and consistent paste over your scalp
  • Cover it with a shower cap
  • After, say about, 20 minutes or so, wash off your hair locks

How it works:

Coconut milk is sufficient to thin out the banana paste. Plus it is super hydrating for the dry scalp. This makes it an effective hair mask.

13. Banana, Avocado And Coconut Milk Mask (For Dry & Damaged Hair)

When you apply coconut milk on your scalp, you will get a natural cooling sensation. And of course, the nourishment your dry hair badly need.

What all you need:

  • 1 Banana
  • 1 ripe avocado (mashed)
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk (canned)
  • 2 tbsp Extra virgin olive oil (optional)


  • Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl
  • Mash them, so that you get a fine, smooth and thick texture
  • On shampooed and dried hair, apply this banana paste
  • Cover with shower cap
  • Wait for 20 min.
  • Then wash out with hair conditioner

How it works:

Coconut milk is great in moisturizing and strengthening hair. Be’cos it is rich in proteins and very high in fats. This is why, it prevents hair shedding, breakage, and pesky dandruff.

14. Banana, Curd, Honey And Lemon Mask (For Frizzy Hair)

Thanks to the citric acid found in lemons, you can say goodbye to that pesky dandruff in hair follicles.

What all you need:

  • 1 Banana
  • 1 cup Yogurt
  • 2 tsp Honey
  • 1 tsp Lemon juice


  • First, mash a banana properly in a bowl
  • Add rest of the ingredients – curd, honey and lemon juice
  • Mash all these well
  • Apply from your hair roots to hair ends
  • Let this mask stay for 20-25 minutes
  • Then, wash it with a shampoo and conditioner

How it works:

This hair pack will make your frizzy hair soft, and manageable. It means you (and your hair) can finally get the limelight.


For even better results, massage your hair with mustard oil, the night before.

15. Banana And Carrot Mask (For Deep Conditioning)

Bananas and carrots are team players that promote hair growth, hair conditioning, luster and shine.

What all you need:

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 carrot (medium-sized)
  • 2 tbsp yogurt
  • 3 drops olive oil
  • 2 tsp honey (optional)


  • First of all, you need to chop the carrots and bananas into small chunks
  • Boil them in water, till they turn soft
  • Now take all the balance ingredients – honey, yogurt, olive oil and blend them with boiled carrots and bananas, till they turn into a smooth paste.
  • Apply this mask to your hair scalp, and along the hair length
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap, and let the mask be on your hair from 45 min to 2 hours
  • Rinse with water, then use mild shampoo and conditioner

How it works:

Facing dry, lifeless, brittle hair, after dry winters? Chill with the combo effect of carrots and bananas!

16. Banana, Milk, Honey, Egg And Extra Virgin Olive Oil Mask (For Damaged Hair)

Egg is not just for eating, but also for dry and damaged hair locks. The sulphur in egg yolk increases hair growth, whereas egg whites are protein-rich.

What all you need:

  • 2 mashed ripe bananas
  • 1 whole egg
  • 5 tbsp honey
  • 5 tbsp raw milk
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil


  • Mix all the ingredients in a bowl
  • Turn it into a smooth texture
  • Coat individual strands of hair with this paste
  • Put a plastic cap, so that it doesn’t drip.
  • After 15 minutes, rinse it off – then shampoo and condition your hair

How it works: (2-3 lines)

Moisturisation, hair shine and luster – all these are benefits which ‘damaged hair’ long for. This is precisely what you get after applying this banana hair mask.

17. Banana, Lemon, Curd And Fuller’s Earth Mask (For Straighten Hair)

Also called multani mitti, fuller’s earth is an efficient hair cleanser which does excellent conditioning and maintains scalp health.

What all you need:

  • Bananas: 2
  • Lemons: 2
  • Yogurt (Curd): Optional
  • Fuller’s Earth: Optional


  • In a grinder, put chopped bananas and lemon juice
  • Make this paste as smooth as possible (without adding water)
  • Add curd to this mixture (if you feel the need)
  • Similarly, you can add Fuller’s Earth to this paste (though, optional)
  • Let this paste settle down
  • Your hair mask is ready to apply

How it works:

Had problems in getting straight and non-frizzy hair? This banana hair mask helps you get that, without any side effects.

Now that you know how extremely effective a banana hair mask is for your everyday to severe hair problems, do try them out, and let us know your experiences and benefits, that I may have missed out. Time to go bananas!

Source: Victoria’s Glamour