Homemade Magical Weight Loss Drink To Lose 20 Kilos In 10 Days

Are you worried because of extra body weight? Want to get slim again? Need to get a flat belly? If yes, here is a simple and a very effective solution for you. In today’s video, I am going to share with you a simple recipe to make a magical weight loss drink at home that will help you lose 20 kilos in 10 daysnaturally.

Herbal Drink to Lose 20 Kilos in 10 Days Naturally  

To make a drink at home to get rid of extra pounds of your body, the ingredients you will need are


  • Lemon juice
  • A piece of raw turmeric
  • One tsp of honey
  • One cup of water
  • Cinnamon powder


To make a drink to lose 20 kilos in 10 days at home,

  • Take a saucepan and in it, add one cup of water.
  • After this, boil the water for about five minutes.
  • In boiling water, add one tsp of crushed raw turmeric and mix well.
  • After this, add lemon juice and one tsp of raw honey and remix the ingredients.
  • After this, strain the drink with a strainer and then pour it into a cup.
  • Now, add one pinch of cinnamon powder and mix again.
  • DIY weight loss drinks are ready for use now.

How to Use:

Use the drink three times in a day one hour before your meals and continue using it for 20 days. Have it in the morning on an empty stomach and you will get rid of extra body weight.

Benefits You will Get:

  • Lemon juice is loaded with Vitamin C and fiber. Thus, it helps to suppress your hunger pangs.
  • It flushes out toxins from your body and improves digestion.
  • Raw turmeric boosts the immune system and detoxifies your body.
  • It gives instant relief from an upset stomach.
  • It also helps in weight loss as it works against insulin resistance and controls blood sugar.
  • Honey mixed with warm water and lemon juice speeds up weight loss and prevents constipation.

This drink to lose 20 kilos in 10 days is tested and gives results fast. Use the drink and also, avoid the use of oily foods, white rice, chocolates, white bread, ice cream, chicken and mutton. You must walk for 30 minutes daily. Also, drink three liters of water daily and have a slim body.