Tea That Melts Belly Fat : Lose 3 Inches Off The Waist In Just 7 Days

This tea recipe from only three ingredients, for losing belly fat, has sparked global madness. Especially because there are more of those who try it and have nothing but praise for this great combination!

Ingredients that you need:

  • green tea (3 tablespoons)
  • cinnamon (1 stick)
  • bay leaves (3 leaves)


Boil 1 ½ pints (800 ml) of water and remove from heat. Then add cinnamon stick, bay leaves and green tea. Cover and leave to stand for 15 minutes, and then strain.


When it comes to metabolism, it is important to know that the best time for its acceleration is the morning, immediately after waking up.

So, drink your first cup of tea on an empty stomach. The second cup you can drink immediately after breakfast, and the third at night, just before bedtime.

Only three cups of this drink a day will achieve significantly fat melting, especially at critical points of the body, such as belly, thighs and buttocks. And the first results are already visible after 7 days. Those who have tried it say that, after the first week, with this beverage have lost 3 inches in average off the waist!

All three ingredients of this beverage perfectly burn fat and speed up metabolism. And it is understood that any attempt to accelerate the metabolism and losing weight should be accompanied by a balanced diet and moderate physical activity.