Your Body is Acidic. Here is What You Need to Do

Our body strives to maintain a delicate pH balance. pH affects everything that surrounds us, ranging from our cells to the soil quality. pH stands for ‘potential hydrogen’ and measures the hydrogen ions in a particular solution. In human body pH values refer to the bodily fluids and tissues.

The values range from 0 to 14, and 7 is considered to be neutral. Values lower than 7 are acidic, and the solution is alkaline if the value is higher than 7.


However, pH values are not the same in every part of your body. The intestine, skin and vagina are slightly acidic, which keeps harmful bacteria away.
The saliva is alkaline, and the urine is acidic, especially in the morning.

Our body has to deal with acids that are produced naturally as by-products of respiration, metabolism, cellular breakdown and workout.

The blood pH value is considered to be the most important. Optimal cellular health is followed by a slightly alkaline blood pH, ranging between 7.365 and 7.4. Learn how your body maintains an alkaline blood range to improve your health. pH values cannot be easily balanced, and our bodies work extremely hard to achieve it.

By eating tons of sugar, processed foods and factory farmed animal foods you soak your cells in inflammatory acid bath several times a day.
This dietary choices affect your body and health, especially the digestive system, liver and kidneys. Eating such foods on a daily base is the root cause of inflammation, allergies, arthritis, skin problems, constipation, bowel problems, stress (both physical and mental) and even chronic diseases like cancer.

Increased acidity is a perfect soil for bacteria and viruses that harm our health.
Help your body balance its pH value and optimize your health.

Home Remedy to Balance Your pH

2/3 tsp baking soda
4 tbsp fresh lemon juice or organic apple cider vinegar

Mix the two ingredients together. The acid-base combination will start to fizz immediately. Keep adding baking soda until it stops fizzing and add 8 oz of filtered water.

Drink it without any longer breaks.
This drink will neutralize your pH and create an alkaline environment in your body.