2000 Years Old Tibetan Remedy Prolongs Life and Prevents Tumor

The old Tibetan remedy treats digestive disorders, prevents heart attack and brain attack, prevents tumor formation process, improves eyesight, but rejuvenates and guarantees a long life too.

Garlic and lemon are the two basic ingredients. It should be taken on a empty stomach in the morning.

10.5 oz / 300 gr of garlic
2.2 lbs / 1 kg of lemons with peels (should be finely grated).
50 oz / 1.5 l of water

Boil 50 oz / 1.5 l of water, then reduce the heat and add grated garlic and lemons (add the lemon juice also). Cook the ingredients in a covered pot. Boil this mixture on a low heat 14 or 15 minutes, not a minute longer. When the mixture is cooled, put it in a jar.

Consume this remedy 1.7 oz / 50 ml per day, in the morning. Repeat this procedure twenty-five days.
When the remedy is spent, make a 10 days — break and then do this process again!

Strictly adhere the day dose and the pause of ten days. After this treatment do not take the remedy except if there is a deterioration in a health status. For the health people it is recommended one or two doses a year, this process should be repeated two times in the interval of six months.

Tibetan Tea For Long Life:
This Tibetan tea is used to prevent the stress and it prolongs lifetime.
Boil 8.5 cups /67 oz /2 l of water for about 5 minutes and cool it. When the water is cooled, add 5 grams of grated ginger, 2 tablespoon of lemon juice, 2 tablespoon of honey, one pinch of chili pepper and one pinch of anise.
This tea is good to drink in sips all day long.