Killer in Your Mouth: Remove Amalgam Fillings and You Will be Healed of Many Diseases

Most dentists will probably never admit that the dental material placed in your mouth can be the cause of many diseases and disorders.

Conventional dentistry procedures contribute to an increase in chronic fatigue, emotional instability, depression, birth defects, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and many other degenerative diseases.

The cheapest dental material, silver (amalgam) filling is dangerous and life-threatening, because it contains mercury.

These fillings contain 54% mercury, and some people have these fillings in their mouths for more than a decade. Many dentists and the World Health Organization have denied claims that point to the dangers of these fillings.

Dr. Hal Huggins who was the first to reveal the truth about these fillings explained that even the slightest amount of mercury in the human body can be life-threatening. This is the reason why he was in conflict with most of his colleagues.

To explain his theory, he gave the example of an experiment that involved egg cells. When the egg cells came in contact with mercury, the cells failed to connect with the uterus, although the fertilization was effective. Huggins claimed that the mercury in the oral cavity emits gases 24 hours a day, which can be the cause of many life-threatening diseases.

The biggest cause of chronic fatigue is mercury in the oral cavity, and it will keep affecting one’s health until it is removed.

Huggins dedicated his life to providing free assistance to people who are poisoned with mercury from the amalgam fillings in their teeth. After publishing his study, and the truth about silver fillings came out, he was fired and went through a lot of harassment, but he remained loyal to his mission.

Huggins sent a message to all the people in the world in an effort to warn them about the dangers these fillings bring: “Remove the silver fillings, and heal yourself.”

Silver (amalgam) fillings were first used in 1800 in France, and dentists worldwide still use them today. Their production is cheap and cost-effective, and they are often used in people who have their dental treatments covered by insurance.