Lose Weight With Superfood

The most common thing I hear is how many people lose weight without having attempted to lose weight. This is a diet without a diet, thanks to the food you can eat your whole life without restrains – commented Dr. Steven Pratt.

What is a superfood?

Dr. Steven Pratt has used this name for the first time in 2004 in his book “SuperFoods Rx: Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life”, and refers to food that has three characteristics: it should be widely available, must contain nutrients that ensure longevity, and its health welfare must be positively evaluated by scientific research. Such foods are salmon, broccoli, spinach, berries, or green tea.

“This food was chosen because it contains a high concentration of key nutrients and many poor calories. Foods containing these nutrients are proven to help prevent, well-known effects of aging, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and certain cancers, “says dr. Pratt.


Recent research has shown that obese people who ate two eggs for breakfast lose 65 percent more weight than people who ate pastries in the morning. The proteins in eggs allow us to feel fuller for longer and will be less for them to think of the “forbidden” snacks and sweets.

Besides all of that, eggs are a good source of choline, which reduces the absorption of fat in the liver, and can also help prevent memory loss. Don’t go over the limit of two per day if you have high cholesterol, or if you just want an extra serving of protein, then eat two whole eggs and egg yolk third. The best possible start of the day


Salmon is a fatty fish simply packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which are the main asset in the fight against cardiovascular disease. Omega-3 protects us by reducing inflammation in the body and slows the rate of deposits in the blood vessels.

Besides being rich in these fatty acids, salmon is one of the best sources of protein that are important to lose weight. Specifically, they quickly saturate and increase the feeling of fullness, which means you’ll be less tempted to reach for a snack or a peek into the fridge.

Likewise, the proteins are very important to raise the energy level and build muscles. How your muscles can help with weight loss? Simple! The more muscle tissue you have, the more fat you will burn doing nothing. Behold the real challenges for metabolism.