Five Ways to Detox Chemicals and GMOS From Your Body

With the amount of GMO in our diets, it’s very easy to come into contact with genetically modified food, even in spite of your best efforts to eat healthy. Due to the shear amount of chemicals that are present in genetically modified food, detoxing the body is a critical practice to engage in. However, while intensive detoxing programs can be effective, they are often hard on your system.

Instead of an intensive detox program, check out these 5 ways below that are effective and natural ways to gently remove toxins from the body. These gentle approaches may take a little longer to work, but they won’t take such a toll on your body.

5 At Home Body Detox Methods

1. Wheatgrass

Drinking juice from made from grasses like wheatgrass or barley is a great way to detoxify your body of chemicals. In addition to an ideal gentle detox method, wheatgrass tends to be high in minerals and the amino acids that are essential for the body’s proper functioning, so its good for your general health as well. Wheatgrass can be blended into a juice or a smoothie, as an easy way to get a daily dose of this nutrient.

Something to note however, is that wheatgrass has a large range of vitamins in it, which can be a bit of a strain on your system. Make sure to take it in small amounts at first, and work your way up to a larger amount if you plan to take it regularly.

2. Fermented Foods

Fermented foods like sauerkraut and pickled products are a rich source of probiotics, which are bacteria that populate the gut to improve digestion and strengthen your immune system. Having a regular consumption of probiotic foods can ensure that your digestive system will be able to effectively break down and eliminate toxins from your body. These types of foods are not typically consumed on a daily basis, so try to make an effort to start incorporating them into your diet if you can.

3. Organic Sulfur

A bit of an unconventional thing to try, but organic sulfur is a compound that makes for an excellent detoxifying method. It’s critical for the body’s energy production and the oxygenation of cells, as well as its main function of supporting the liver’s ability to detoxify the body. It can be difficult to get this important substance into your diet, so many health food stores have began to sell organic sulfur in lignin-based crystals that are easy to digest.

4. Cilantro

This staple herb of Mexican and southwest American diets, cilantro is a great way to spice up your dishes, and remove heavy metals and GMO-related toxins from your body. Cilantro also has strong anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that can help your body’s immune system fight of illnesses and infection.

This versatile herb can be put on salads, pastas, pestos, etc., which makes it really easy to incorporate into your diet via your favourite recipes. It can also be grown in a small pot that your can keep in your kitchen window, so you can always have a fresh supply in your home.

5. Fruit Pectin

Having a regular intake of fruit pectin that’s found in apples, bananas, grapes or citrus fruits is a way to detox that’s gentle on the body. Pectin makes it easier for heavy metals and other contaminants to be released into the bloodstream, which helps to eventually filter them out of the body. Eating foods that are high in pectin is usually a pretty efficient way to detoxify the body, but you can always add pectin supplements to water to bring your body’s intake up to standard.