Top 5 Reasons to Add Apples to Your Daily Diet

Assist weight loss

Apples are excellent for weight loss or maintenance, and they can battle obesity. A medium sized apple contains only around 80 calories but is quite fulfilling. They also have no saturated fat or cholesterol. Apples are rich in fiber; that’s hard to break down and requires quite some energy. Therefore, most of the calories obtained from apples go to breaking down and digesting the miracle fruit itself. Also considering that apples are wonderful at keeping us full and easing our craving for food, they are certainly very helpful in case you want to lose weight.

Improve heart health

Apples have naturally powerful anti-inflammatory effects and come in handy in healing the inflamed arteries and preventing heart diseases. Apples are wonderful in preventing blood clots and unclogging the arteries. The above-mentioned function of lowering the bad cholesterol levels and boosting the good ones also comes in handy in strengthening the heart and cutting down stroke risks by a lot. Apples can slow down the build ups of plaques in the arteries, which, by reducing the blood flow to the heart can cause coronary artery diseases. Add a few apples to your daily diet to keep your heart and arteries healthy and full-functioning.

Preventing Alzheimer’s

There are many brain diseases and illnesses, but Alzheimer’s is one of the most common dementias in the world. People with Alzheimer’s have their nerve cells in the brain damaged, which leads to problems with memory, lowered intellectual capabilities and body functions. Quercetin, an important chemical in apples may help prevent the brain cells from being oxidized by the free radicals. Apples can also prevent a particular protein in the brain from being accumulated and negate their harmful effects on the nerve cells. Apple juice can also be helpful in slowing down the aging of the brain. Overall, apples show miraculous results in protecting the brain cells and can help cut down the risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

Lowers cholesterol

Apples can control the cholesterol levels in the body. They are high in soluble fibers that can help reduce the levels of bad, or LDL, cholesterol. LDL stands for low-density lipoprotein. It is known for clogging arteries and can cause cardiovascular diseases. Apple helps increase the number of good cholesterol, the HDL ones. They are high-density lipoproteins that carry the LDL and make the liver discard them.

One average apple contains approximately four grams of fiber, including the particular type, pectin, the soluble fiber that promotes healthy cholesterol. The combination of eradicating the bad LDL cholesterol, boosting healthy HDL ones keep our cardiovascular system healthy and the heart as strong as ever.

Keeps cancer away

Numerous researchers suggest that apples may be beneficial in warding off different types of cancers. It is mainly because of the fiber found in apples that can shield the mucous membranes of the colon, preventing toxic and poisonous chemicals from harming the organism. The apple’s peel is also being researched because scientists believe that aside from being very nutritious, these peels have some chemicals that can stop the further growth of cancerous cells, especially in lungs, breasts, and colon.

American Association for Cancer Research suggests that regularly eating apples can reduce the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by up to 23 percent. Some research indicates that substances in apple peels can reduce the size of tumors in rats. Apple is also considered to be able to ward off against liver and colorectal cancers.