The Root Cause Of Cancer and Why Has it Been Kept a Secret!

Dr. Otto H. Warburg is a Nobel Prize winner and he spent his entire life in an effort to find the cause of cancer. Dr. Warburg was one of the leading biologists in the 20th century, and his study showed that acidity is the root cause of cancer. That means that the pH in the…

Ginger Ale Recipe for Pain: Reduce Chronic Inflammation, Pain And Migraines

In traditional holistic medicine ginger is often used in the treatment of different health conditions, ranging from nausea to pain. Ginger has the power to reduce nausea and vomiting, but that’s not all. The list of its benefits seems to be never-ending. For more than 2,000 years, Chinese have used ginger to treat nausea, stomach…

Different Types of Sinus Infections Plus Natural Cures

Hypersensitivity season is upon us, a period of pollen, dust, infections, and bacteria. Treating sinus issues yourself is essential and much healthier than constantly using antibiotics. Sinus contaminations are a standout amongst the most widely recognized, however naturally curable conditions that put pressure on your nasal cavity. There are numerous powerful and natural cures that…

Your Body is Acidic. Here is What You Need to Do

Our body strives to maintain a delicate pH balance. pH affects everything that surrounds us, ranging from our cells to the soil quality. pH stands for ‘potential hydrogen’ and measures the hydrogen ions in a particular solution. In human body pH values refer to the bodily fluids and tissues. The values range from 0 to…

What is The Proper Way to Poop?

Have you ever thought that you just might be pooping wrong? Many experts say that Western civilization has not been eliminating the right way for generations. Scientists at the Stanford University Pelvic Floor Clinic explain that the human body is designed for squatting, not sitting. If you check the history of bathroom habits, you will…

Homemade Syrup For Ejecting Mucus Out Of The Lungs

This home syrup will help you eliminate the mucus in your lungs, and the best thing is that it is also great for children. Ingredients: 1 tbsp marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis) 1 tbsp flaxseeds 1 tbsp sage 1 lemon, sliced 250 ml water 1 cup of Pure Maple Syrup or 8.8 oz / 250 grams…

How To Instantly Stop A Migraine With Salt

People who suffer from migraine are often feeling anxious and want to get rid of the awful pain characteristic for this condition. A migraine is not a thing to joke with. It may sound appalling but in fact, a really bad migraine can take you down and cripple you for the rest of your life….

How To Clear Your Sinuses With Your Tongue And Your Thumb in 20 Seconds

Sinus infection can be really annoying and unpleasant, but it is quite common. About 37 million Americans struggle with the infection. It is an inflammation of the lining in the sinus cavities. Sinus infection is caused by colds, flu, bacteria or allergies. Luckily, there are many natural remedies for sinusitis, so you do not have…

2000 Years Old Tibetan Remedy Prolongs Life and Prevents Tumor

The old Tibetan remedy treats digestive disorders, prevents heart attack and brain attack, prevents tumor formation process, improves eyesight, but rejuvenates and guarantees a long life too. Garlic and lemon are the two basic ingredients. It should be taken on a empty stomach in the morning. Ingredients: 10.5 oz / 300 gr of garlic 2.2…