How Citrus Fruits Can Help Heal Our Bodies

It’s true that the tartness of citrus fruits can cause you to knit your brow. That frown, however, can easily turn into a beaming smile as soon as you learn about the many benefits these juicy and pulpy fruits bring. Everyone knows that citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin C that protects you from colds,…

10 Fat Foods: That is Good for Your Health

Fish Naturally fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines, and albacore tuna are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These are “good” fats that help keep your heart healthy. They may also help keep your brain sharp, especially as you get older. The American Heart Association suggests eating two servings of fatty fish…

Baking Soda Shampoo: It Will Make Your Hair Grow Faster Than Ever

Due to its multiple healing properties, baking soda has a wide range of uses, for cleaning, cooking, and for treating various medical conditions. Yet, it seems that we learn a new use of this versatile ingredient every single day. This incredibly beneficial substance enhances the quality of your hair and eliminates the residue of shampoo…

Top 7 Foods that People Who Suffer From Chronic Pain Should Avoid

Chronic pain affects many people and fibromyalgia is the most common form. This chronic condition is chatacterized by symptoms like muscle pain, fatigue, depression, and sleeping disorders. Latest studies suggest that the central sensation, in which neurons in the spinal cord are sensitized by inflammations or cell damage, could get involved in the same way…

Dandelion Root: More Effective Than Chemotherapy

You probably remember how your grandmother made you a healthy dandelion syrup, but what she did not know is that dandelion root helps people diagnosed with cancer. Scientists have confirmed that the root of the plant is more efficient than chemotherapy, because the drugs destroy all cells, while dandelion root only kills cancer cells. A…

Put Apple Cider Vinegar On Your Face And See What Happens To Your Age Spots,Acne And More

It has been scientifically shown that apple cider vinegar treats various skin issues, such as eczema. Its beneficial effects in the treatment of eczema are due to its potent properties, including: Apple cider vinegar contains numerous vitamins and minerals which strengthen immunity and control eczema, like potassium, pectin, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulphur, and phosphorous….

Juice That Reverse Type 2 Diabetes in 1 Week

Try this juice recipes and reverse your Type 2 diabetes within a week. When combined with the Death to Diabetes plant-based Super Meal protocol, these juices are even more powerful. For optimal results avoid eating pasta, rice, potatoes, corn, and processed foods that contain flour, wheat, gluten, sugar, corn syrup, and partially hydrogenated types of…

Sniffing Rosemary Can Increase Memory By 75%

Have you ever wondered how can a whiff of rosemary improve your memory? Science has the answer to your question. Experts have proven that this herb can increase the memory by 75%. If you check historical records more thoroughly, you will find some strong evidence that backs up this fact. The Tudors used rosemary as…

Cabbage Chemical Could Treat Ovarian Cancer

Cabbage Chemical Could Treat Ovarian Cancer According to research a chemical found in cabbages can treat ovarian cancer. DIM or diindolymethane is a chemical found in cabbages and other cruciferous vegetables. This chemical naturally formed in the body when consuming vegetables especially cabbages. DIM is known to fight of cancer cells. A study was done…