8 Powerful Superfoods That Fight Fatigue & Stress

Are you a victim of the afternoon slump? If you find yourself struggling to make it through the day, your diet might be to blame. While sugar and caffeine often give you a quick energy boost, they also cause you to crash just a few hours later. If you’re relying on coffee and energy drinks…

9 Common Plants That Are Highly Toxic

Whether or not you’re an outdoorsy type of person, learning about the plants around you can prove extremely important. Whether you’re hiking, camping, having a picnic or playing in the yard with your kids, knowing which plants to stay away from can end up saving your life. Some of the most toxic plants are often…

How To Time Your Meals For Optimal Weight Loss

You’ve probably heard that eating before bed isn’t wise, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. But are there other times of the day when eating may derail your weight loss goals? Could it be that when you eat may be just as important as what you eat? Science Shows When We Eat May Be…

Acne Face Mapping For Identifying Pimples With Causes And Solutions

Skin breakouts are a common problem. And it becomes even more annoying when it shows up before an important event. Covering it up with makeup is a temporary solution and can aggravate the problem further. The only way to prevent acne from coming back is finding its root cause. Meaning Of Acne Face Map? You…

Physical Methods Of Fat Loss – Important As Much As A Diet!

When the weather is getting warmer, the clothes cover smaller part of body. At that point, most of us turn to physical training and change eating habits to get rid of excess weight. There is always the question of what is the most effective method for removing fat. In determining the effectiveness of any kind…

6 Signs You Were Emotionally Neglected As A Child

Scars from your childhood have a way of staying with you. If someone were to ask you if you were emotionally neglected as a child, your immediate response might be “no.” But if you dig a little deeper, you’ll understand that your behavior as an adult has a lot to do with your experiences as…

How To Get Rid Of White Spots On Teeth Quickly

Though the white spots on teeth aren’t a major concern and can be easily removed, they sure do hamper your confident smile, making you self-conscious. These spots that are mainly the result of mineral deficiency on the teeth, are medically termed as hypocalcification. Often it could lead to teeth deterioration also. You may look at…

Simple Tips On Losing Weight For Summer

Or warmer weather causes panic about no longer hide behind a bulky sweater or even worse – to wear a bathing suit? Do not worry. If you want to lose weight for the summer, it is possible! The process of losing weight takes commitment and effort, but will have you ready to face the summer…

15 Unbelievable Benefits Of Sleeping On The Floor

You are tired like hell. Bones are aching with pain. Body needs rest and sleep, immediate sleep. Where are you going to sleep? Obviously on a bed! Think of our grandparents and ancestors who were all hale-and-hearty sleeping on the floor. And they lived long and had fewer ailments than most of us today. The…

Superwoman Omelet! Breakfast That Will Make Your Morning Super!

Healthy, tasty and quick recipe! Super omelet for a super morning, for superwoman (okay, superman also)! A bunch of proteins, minimal carbohydrates and very nutritious! But still, not many calories! SUPERWOMAN OMELET RECIPE The recipe makes 1 serving. Preparation takes 10 minutes. Nutritional value: 360 Calories, 18 g Fat, 40 g Protein, 6 g Carbs….