How to Eat Right for Your Blood Type

Peter D’Adamo is a very famous neuropathic medic and wrote Eat Right for Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight. He is a firm believer in the fact that blood types are crucial for our health and well-being and that certain food is harmful to one…

Amazing: This Man Cured 5 000 People Using Hemp Oil

Rick Simpson from Canada is a smiling and energetic 64 year old man who went through a lot in his life. Few years ago, after the doctors announced that there is no cure for his cancer, Rick had the urge to commit suicide, but after some deep thoughts he decided to start a therapy using…

Do This One Thing Every Morning to Jumpstart Weight Loss!

Almost everything that surrounds us is loaded with toxins – the air we breathe, the cosmetic products we use, even the items we produce. Contaminants stimulate the creation of mucous or fatty tissues, and thus hinder the immune feedback. To be more precise, your fatty deposits store the toxins from your environment. In this article…

The Cure For Cancer Was Found 65 Years Ago!

Increased intake of vitamin B17 reduces the development of cancer and there are huge chances that the cancer will be completely cured. Rumours among patients diagnosed with cancer are getting louder, claiming that the increased intake of vitamin B17 can reduce cancer and provide huge chances for complete curing. Doctor Ernst T. Krebs first presented…

Drink These 3 Smoothies for Breakfast and Lose Weight Like Crazy

Excess body fat causes heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver, and a higher risk of developing cancer. Foods rich in fiber keep you full for longer, and they also help you deal with food cravings. They are the ideal choice for people struggling with constipation. Protein-packed foods are great if you want to lose weight…

Foods That Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

Breast cancer is the leading cause of female deaths due to cancer in the United States. Processed food and lack of exercise make us more prone to breast cancer. Living a healthy lifestyle is still best to ward off cancer. Eating healthy and exercise can significantly reduce your chances of getting cancer. To give you…

See What Happens When You Drink Water On an Empty Stomach

People in Japan usually drink water right after they wake up. Numerous studies have confirmed the advantage of this habit. This morning routine has healing effect and provides positive results regarding different serious diseases. There is evidence proving that drinking water on an empty stomach can be amazingly helpful in treating numerous diseases, including: headache,…

The Plant of Immortality Aloe Vera Eliminates Fat and Cures Over 50 Diseases

Due to its amazing health benefits, the ancient Egyptians called Aloe Vera “The Plant Of Immortality.” Aloe Vera wraps are great for cuts and burns, but did you know that you can use the plant beyond topical application? Aloe Vera contains over 200 bioactive compounds such as polysaccharides, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and amino acids which…

How to Choose a Diet?

It seems like every few years a new diet grabs headlines and calls itself a weight-loss miracle. First it was fat-free everything. Oil was evil, and bagels, plain pasta, and salads with a squirt of lemon juice were all the rage. Next, high-protein diets hit the scene. Meat reigned supreme and a bun on your…